What is Digital Accessibility?
For a website to be deemed accessible, all of its content must be perceivable, usable, understandable and robust for all users, regardless of any physical or cognitive disability, the equipment used or the performance of the connection.
The accessibility of a website is measured by taking into account all the current applicable standards set out in the Référentiel général d'accessibilité pour les administrations (RGAA).
These standards must be taken into account when creating any new digital tool (website, application) and each time it is updated, whether technically, graphically or editorially.
Accessibility declaration
As part of an inclusive approach, the City of Haguenau is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with the article 47 of law no. 2005-102 of the 11th February 2005.
The Festival du Houblon website is partially compliant with the general accessibility guidelines. Non-compliances and exemptions are listed below.
Test results
The accessibility audit carried out on the Festival du Houblon website reveals that XX% of the RGAA criteria have been met.
This percentage corresponds to :
XX conforming criteria
XX are not in conformity
XX non-applicable criteria
Non-conforming content
The following criteria of the General Accessibility Improvement Guidelines have been deemed to be incomplete and may have a significant impact on browsing comfort. They will be at the core of future changes to the site to bring it into line with the recommendations of the RGAA v.4.
Coming soon
Issuing the statement
This declaration was established on XX-XX-XXXX.
The following tools were used during the assessment:
- SiteImprove
- Wave
- Web Developer Toolbar
- LightHouse
- Axe
- HeadingsMap
Test environment:
Computer version
- Chrome v.88.0.4324.190 / Firefox 86.0 - Windows 10 / NVDA 2020.3
Technologies used to develop the website :
- JavaScript
Audited pages
- List of pages
Exemptions for disproportionate workload
Given the number of videos and PDFs available on the City of Haguenau website, it is considered that the burden of bringing all these documents into compliance would be disproportionate for the municipality.
However, the City of Haguenau is committed to providing an alternative to inaccessible videos and PDFs on request.
Furthermore, in the future and as often as possible, the videos and PDF documents made public on the website of the institution may be the subject of a review to ensure that they are in conformity.
Content exempt from the accessibility requirements
Content imported from external services does not fall within the scope of the accessibility requirements. This exception applies to the following content:
News feeds imported from the following social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
This site contains videos published on external platforms (Dailymotion, YouTube, Vimeo). The video readers of these third-party platforms are exempt from the accessibility requirements.
Interactive maps imported from Google Maps
Assistance for using the Festival du Houblon website
Organisation of the site
This site is structured into 7 main sections. All these sections can be accessed from the main menu.
- The Festival
- Practical information
- Programming 2024
- Highlights
- Festival locations
- The partners
- A search engine accessible in the header of all pages completes the browsing.
The website logo, located in the header, is a 1-click link back to the home page.
The site map can also be found in the footer of each page of the website.
Tab navigation
This site lets you use the "Tab" key to target the next link in the HTML code. Once the link has been selected, press "Enter" to navigate to it.
Title-based navigation
Structured headings can be used to navigate within pages and with assistive technologies.
Headings 1 correspond to the page title
Heading 2 leads to the article sub-headings
Headings 3 structure the contents of the sub-headings into more detailed headings.
Browser compatibility
This site is optimised for :
- Edge
- Firefox
- Chrome
- Safari
Screen compatibility
This website has been designed in accordance with the recommendations for responsive design. It is therefore easily adaptable to all types of screen, computer, tablet and mobile.
Font size
Font size can be adjusted by pressing Ctrl and + or Ctrl and - on the keyboard. Ctrl and 0 returns the font to its original size.
Improvements and contact
If you are unable to access any content or service, you can contact the website manager to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.
Legal recourse
This procedure should be used in the following case:
You have notified the website manager of an accessibility defect that is preventing you from accessing content or one of the portal's services and you have not received a satisfactory response.
- Write a message to the Défenseur des droits
(https://formulaire.defenseurdesdroits.fr/) - Contact the Défenseur des droits delegate in your region (https://www.defenseurdesdroits.fr/saisir/delegues)
- Send a letter by post (free, do not put a stamp) Défenseur des droits - Libre réponse 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07